Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our team.

Do you offer free trials?
No, but our billing cycle is monthly. If you join for one month and decide the membership is not the right fit, you can cancel before the next billing cycle and you will not be charged again.
Do you have options for larger teams?
Yes, we offer enterprise pricing for larger firms who require more than two seats. Please contact us for more information.
Do you offer a lower tier of membership?
No, we offer a simple pricing model with two payment options, both of which provide full access to the platform.
How do I sign up for a membership?
Follow the checkout link here, choose monthly or yearly subscription, then complete the checkout process. We’ll approve your account and send a welcome email with login instructions.
Do I have to sign a contract for membership?
No. We understand a year-long commitment can be tough for small business owners to swing. That’s why we have a monthly subscription. If you would like to take advantage of the lower pricing option, there is an annual commitment available. We are able to convert your plan to yearly if you decide to join at the monthly rate first and change your mind down the road.
How does billing work?
Subscription billing begins and renews on the day the purchase is made. For example, if the membership was purchased on May 15, the renewal would be charged June 15. The same concept applies for the yearly membership. If the original purchase was made on May 15, the yearly subscription would renew on May 15 the following year.
Your pricing mentions “per team.” What is considered a team?
We define a team as 2 people who work at the same firm full-time with the same email format. Our pricing grants two seats access to the platform. If you are interested in having 3 or more team members join, please contact us about enterprise pricing.
Which categories do writer/editor guests cover?
Our journalist guests are carefully vetted by our content team to ensure a high caliber of outlets. We primarily focus on national consumer lifestyle publications, both print and digital, that cover food, travel, health, wellness, beauty, style, home and design, along with broadcast opportunities and podcasts.
To which publications do writer/editor guests contribute?
Journalist guest speakers will be primarily from consumer-facing lifestyle outlets that will include a mix of national, local and niche publications. AARP The Magazine, Architectural Digest, Byrdie, Bourbon Plus, Fodor's and The Kitchn are among the hundreds of print and digital publications in which guests are regular contributors.
Would Pitchcraft be a good training tool for junior associates?
Absolutely! Through our one-of-a-kind resources, junior associates will learn critical skills that aren’t being taught in college PR classes: how to build relationships with and actually work with freelance writers and editors. This is also an excellent opportunity to network with, learn from and glean insights from other seasoned PR professionals in our membership.
Can business owners who currently do their own PR join Pitchcraft?
Yes, but business owners would find the most value and success using the platform if they already have experience pitching the media.
How much time do I need to invest in the platform to see results?
We advise investing at least 2 hours per week in the platform to begin seeing results from your Pitchcraft membership.